What a load of nonsense

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About Trump…I care, and I’m not laughing. About Michelin, mostly don’t care.

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Totally fair.

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Jul 19Liked by Michael Nagrant

The Michelin Man may be adorable (or frightening, depending on your outlook), but I've never cared for his rating system.

And I must admit I'm a bit surprised the RNC didn't use any of Chuck Berry's songs, considering his much gossiped-about and very niche kink.

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Jul 19Liked by Michael Nagrant

“trump l’oeil” … man, that is gold! Such a powerful metaphor, since the lyric has intentions but is so speciously used.

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Thank you for writing this! This should be a domiinant conversation in food media.

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My pleasure. Also what a treat. Huge fan of your work and you!

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